The Association of Beach and Shag Club D.J.'s
The Association Of Beach And Shag Club D.J.’s
Organization By-Laws
Revised 4/26/2024
Article 1 – Name
The name of this organization is The Association of Beach and Shag Club D.J.’s, also referred to in this document as The Association.
Article 2 – Purpose
The purpose of The Association is to promote, preserve, and perpetuate the music associated with the shag dance; to educate; to provide fellowship and news to members and others interested in this music; and to ensure a system exists for honoring our peers in these endeavors. It also includes the purposes set out in Article 3 of The Association’s Articles of Incorporation.
Article 3 – Membership
Section 1 – Types
There shall be four types of members in The Association:
A Regular Member is a bona fide Beach and Shag Club D.J. (DJ, deejay or disk jockey) that has met all of the requirements of membership.
A Lifetime Member is an individual who has been a Regular Member for at least two (2) years and has paid a one-time fee to prevent having to pay any more annual membership dues. Payment of this onetime fee does not exempt a lifetime member from any other provision of these bylaws.
Note: Lifetime Members who obtained their Lifetime Membership prior to October 1, 2009 are exempt from any meeting attendance requirements.
An Honorary Member is an individual nominated and approved by the President and/or Executive Board to be an Honorary Member. They may be widows or widowers of deceased members of The Association or other individuals as deemed appropriate. Honorary Members have no voting rights, no meeting attendance requirements and do not pay annual dues.
A Corporate Member is an individual, business, social shag club or other organization or group that supports the goals and purposes of The Association. Corporate Members may be approved by the general membership or the Executive Board as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. Corporate Members have no voting rights and no meeting attendance requirements.
No membership of any type shall be transferable under any circumstance.
Note: The generic term “member” in this document shall refer to both Regular and Lifetime Members unless additional, more specific wording is provided.
Section 2 – Qualifications
At the time of application for Regular Membership into The Association, an applicant must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and have at least one (1) year of play time.
Section 3 – Application Process
Applicants for Regular membership shall submit as a minimum:
Completed Membership Application Forms that includes positive sponsorship by at least one (1) current member in good standing.
A letter of recommendation from a qualifying commercial beach or shag club signed by the club owner/manager and/or a letter from the president of an Association Of Carolina Shag Clubs social shag club.
3. The applicant and sponsor must complete all the required documentation and submit it along with the application fee. This fee includes the dues for the current year. Application Forms are published on the Association’s web site. Further details about the application process are defined on the Application Form and/or in the Policies and Procedures Documents.
Upon receipt of an application package, the Membership Chairman shall review it to make sure all requirements noted above have been met, and that all appropriate information has been provided. If not, the application shall not be submitted for further consideration. Instead, the Membership Chairman shall request that the applicant provide the additional items or information needed. The application package shall be considered “on hold” until the Membership Chairman deems it to be complete.
Note: If there are any deliberate misrepresentations on the application, the application will be denied. The sponsor may also be referred to the Ethics Committee.
Once the Membership Chairman is satisfied the package is complete, he or she shall:
Submit the application package to the Executive Board when complete.
Submit the applicant’s name to be published in the next newsletter and/or email.
Appoint a member or members to visit a location where the prospective member is playing to evaluate his or her efforts as a D.J., and to provide a report of his or her findings.
The visiting member(s) should not live in the same town as the applicant, or be the sponsor, a “good friend” or a relative of the applicant. The report should include, but is not limited to, things like the applicant’s physical appearance, professionalism on the microphone, relationship with people, type of equipment and apparent knowledge of equipment operation.
The visiting member(s) shall report back to the Executive Board as soon as possible and, in all cases, before the application is presented to the membership for voting.
When the name of an applicant is published in the newsletter or email, a notice shall be included asking anyone who has any reason to oppose the application to immediately share that information with the Membership Chairman within 10 days of the notice. The Membership Chairman’s contact information should be included. The purpose of this directive is to provide the Executive Board with the time and opportunity to investigate any opposition and make appropriate recommendations to the membership at the time of voting. In unusual situations, the Executive Board may delay consideration of an application until further investigation of an application can be completed.
The applicant and his or her sponsor shall be present at the next general meeting, offering members in attendance the opportunity to comment and ask questions. A 51% approval vote shall be required.
Section 4 – Dues
The Executive Board shall establish the amount of the annual dues for Regular and Corporate Members and the fee for Lifetime Membership. (Additional donations, product or service discounts, etc. from Corporate Members are also appreciated.) Dues for the current year should be paid by February 1st, and no later than February 14th. Members who have not paid their dues by the February 15th deadline shall have their membership deemed “inactive”.
Section 5 – Inactive Membership Status
Membership status will be rendered inactive if one or more of the following occur:
Failure to attend at least one general membership or mini meeting within the fiscal/club year.
Note: Lifetime Members who obtained their Lifetime Membership prior to October 1, 2009 are exempt from this requirement.
Failure to pay dues by February 15th of each calendar year
Failure to pay other monies owed to The Association or its members on a timely basis. This includes monies owed for banners, apparel, or other items, as well as debts to Association members related to the “D.J.” profession.
Serious misconduct in the performance of professional D.J. duties while otherwise “representing” this Association, or in any personal capacity.
Any member who is placed in “inactive” status shall have their name removed from the membership roster. Inactive members are not eligible to participate in any Association activity including meetings, voting, Throwdown, etc., and are not entitled to any member benefits. This includes displaying any banner containing The Association’s logo.
If a member was deemed inactive for failing to attend a meeting, the member may obtain active status by attending a general membership or mini meeting, and providing proof of attendance to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the next general meeting. That member will be announced at, and considered active, for that meeting.
Any member deemed inactive for failure to pay dues who wishes to be reinstated as an active member must complete the Reinstatement Request Form and submit it, along the with fees described on the form, to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the next general membership meeting. That member will then be announced and reinstated during that meeting.
Any member deemed inactive for failing to attend a meeting or failure to pay dues who is inactive for greater than 24 months may have their membership reinstated by paying the current application fee, providing the request is approved by the Board. Otherwise, they must go through the full application process.
If a member was deemed inactive for a reason other than dues payment or attendance and wishes to be reinstated, that request shall be referred to the Ethics Committee for further investigation and action.
Section 6 – Removal From Membership
Membership may be revoked for reasons including, but not limited to, serious misconduct in the performance of professional D.J. duties while otherwise “representing” this Association or for serious misconduct in any personal capacity.
When a case of alleged serious misconduct is identified, the President may immediately act to suspend any member by making his or her membership “inactive” pending final action by the Executive Board, Ethics Committee, or membership. Such a suspension is “investigatory” in nature and should not be construed otherwise.
Any member with such allegations brought against him or her shall be availed of the opportunity to fully respond to such prior to final vote to remove him or her from membership. The response may take the form of a written explanation or appearance before the Executive Board, Ethics Committee or membership as appropriate.
If the Ethics Committee determines that an individual’s actions warrant removal from membership, that decision shall be published in The Association’s next newsletter. A final determination will then be made by majority vote of the members at the next general membership meeting.
A member dismissed for reason of serious misconduct may reapply for membership after five (5) calendar years. Approval shall require a two-thirds (67%) positive vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting in September. Any time such re-application is denied, he or she must wait five (5) additional years to apply again.
Article 4 – Officers
The five (5) officers of this organization are:
The President
The Vice-President
The Secretary
The Treasurer
Section 1 – Duties
The duties of the officers include, but are not limited to, those listed below:
Chairs all general membership meetings
Serves as a member of, and chairs all meetings of the Executive Board
Nominates three (3) members of the Executive Board from the membership
Appoints all committee chairpersons
Appoints members to serve on the Council of States
Approves meeting minutes after each general membership meeting.
Assumes the duties of the President when the President is absent or incapacitated
Serves as the Chairman of the Ethics Committee
Calls meetings of the Ethics Committee as required
Serves as member of the Executive Board
Serves as the Membership Chairman
Maintains the master list of names and contact information of all members of all types
Provides updated membership data to the Webmaster and Newsletter Editor in a timely manner
Sends out the membership dues notices to the members
Issues membership cards to members as appropriate
Records the minutes of all general membership meetings and provides them to the President for approval prior to their presentation to the membership at a general meeting
Updates the Policies and Procedures with decisions made by the Board or membership.
Serves as a member of the Executive Board
Accounts for all monies of The Association
Establishes and maintains bank accounts as needed
Writes checks as directed by the President or Executive Board
Serves as a member of the Executive Board
Maintains order at all general meetings of The Association
Performs other duties at the general meetings at the direction of the President
Serves as a member of the Executive Board
Section 2 – Stipulations
Officers shall be active members who are nominated and elected by majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting in September to serve a one-year term or until their successors are elected. Such term begins January 1st (following the September election) and continues through the following December 31st.
No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
No individual may hold more than one (1) office at the same time.
Section 3 – Removal From Office
Any officer may be removed from his or her office by a majority vote of the members present at a general membership meeting where a quorum exists, following a recommendation for such a recall vote by the Executive Board.
If an officer dies, resigns or is removed from their position, the Executive Board may decide to name a replacement to serve out the remainder of that individual’s term.
Article 5 – The Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of the five current officers, the immediate Past President, and three other active members who have been nominated by the current President and approved by the majority of the other members of the Executive Board.
No one (1) individual shall hold more than one position on the Executive Board.
The Executive Board shall meet at least four (4) times annually to conduct official Association business, propose activities, direct projects, and conduct other business as appropriate.
A quorum of the bona fide Executive Board meeting shall occur when there is a minimum of five (5) Executive Board members present.
Executive Board meetings may also include selected members as is necessary and prudent in the conduct of business. Other individual members wishing to attend meetings of the Executive Board are invited to contact any Board member to request inclusion at such events.
Every effort will be made to make such requesting members a part of the meeting, but time, space, and other factors may not permit such an inclusion. Any member attendance at Executive Board Meetings is limited to observation and comment.
The Executive Board shall designate members in good standing to fill committee and other appointed positions. Such committees may include, but are not limited to:
Membership Committee – Assists prospective members, recruits, aids the Executive Board in such activities, prepares membership cards, etc. The chair of the Membership Committee shall be the current Secretary.
Entertainment/Social Committee – Proposes internal events for members and their families/guests. If these are approved, arranges these functions and ensures their success.
The Executive Board may authorize any member of The Association to enter into a contract or execute and deliver any instrument on behalf of The Association. Such authority may be general or specific in nature.
The Executive Board must approve any such contract or instrument in advance.
Article 6 – Council of States
For each state where five (5) or more members reside, the President may appoint one (1) or more Council of States representatives. Those representatives shall inform and advise the Executive Board and the general membership of Association-related activities in the state they represent. They are encouraged to seek out worthwhile activities for The Association to be involved with, in keeping with its stated goals and purposes.
Members of the Council of States are highly encouraged to attend Executive Board meetings and may be called upon at any general membership or Executive Board meeting to report on activities in their respective states. They may also be called on to observe and evaluate a potential member’s efforts as a D.J., and to provide a report of his or her findings.
Article 7 – Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee investigates complaints, problems, issues raised by members, or about members, involving any item that may affect The Association and proposes resolutions as needed. Such issues may include, but are not limited to, inappropriate behavior, disagreements among individuals, etc. The Chairman of the Ethics Committee is the Vice-President.
Activities of The Ethics Committee are conducted with discretion, in close concert with the President and the Executive Board. Any allegations must be warranted, shall be properly and thoroughly investigated, and the member in question shall be given due process to defend himself or herself prior to any action taken in the Association’s name.
Any action taken in The Association’s name as the result of such an issue shall be taken by the President or Executive Board as appropriate.
The President or the Ethics Committee Chairman, as appropriate, may inform any member seeking information about this Committee’s activities.
To ensure confidentiality and to encourage the active resolution of issues, no public report of The Ethics Committee’s activities is normally made.
Article 8 – Other Committees and Appointed Positions
The President may appoint a committee for any purpose at any time. The term of these committees shall be until the fulfillment of the purpose, or until the President leaves office, whichever comes first.
The President also appoints the following positions. Their duties include, but are not limited to those, listed here.
Maintains The Association’s website
Ensures changes in roster data and other information on the site are updated as soon as practicable after being received.
Newsletter Editor
Coordinates, creates, edits submissions, and publishes The Association’s Newsletter in accordance with established schedules
Sends out a communication prior to each newsletter deadline to remind members to submit information for publication.
Maintains various historical records for The Association
Maintains a paper or electronic copy of each of The Association’s newsletters
Maintains the official, current copy of The Association’s Bylaws and copies of all past bylaws.
Acts as a focal point for The Association in cases of a member’s injury, illness or death, etc.
Notifies the general membership of these situations
Recommends appropriate Association response to the President
Sends flowers, cards or other items as directed by the President in the name of The Association.
Article 9 – Treasury
All monies due The Association or its members shall be processed expediently through the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall also do disbursements of funds by The Association.
Monies disbursed shall normally require supporting documentation including receipts, bills of sale or similar.
Members should present documentation of reimbursable expenses as soon as possible to the Treasurer. Anticipated expenses may be “paid in advance,” where feasible and prudent by the Treasurer at his or her discretion. Supporting documentation, as described previously, should then be supplied as these expenses occur.
There will be a limit of $50.00 on any reimbursable expenditure by any member without approval of The Executive Board.
Article 10 – Awards
A “Hall of Fame” for The Association’s members has been approved by vote of the members. However, due to the prior existence of the “Beach D.J. Hall of Fame”, which consists largely of members of The Association, The Association’s own “Hall of Fame” has not yet been established. For the purposes of these bylaws, it stands unformulated at this time and open for later action if desired by the membership.
The “Richard Nixon Memorial Service Award” for members of The Association is presented annually to the D.J. or D.J.’s who have performed outstanding service other than D.J. service for any one or more of the following entities: The Association of Beach and Shag Club D.J.’s, the shag dance community at large, or the shag and beach music community at large.
The Executive Board shall determine the criteria for nominations and selection of winners.
Article 11 – Miscellaneous
The fiscal/club year of The Association is set as January 1st through December 31st. In certain circumstances, where appropriate, the Executive Board may approve for other such periods to replace this one.
The three regular meetings of The Association shall consist of the meetings held during Spring S.O.S., D.J. Throwdown, and Fall S.O.S. The Fall S.O.S. meeting shall also be considered the Annual Meeting in September. In unusual circumstances, the Executive Board may change, replace or add a meeting to the regular meetings as defined.
Mini Meetings may be called at any location where a group of D.J.’s may gather so long as The President approves the meeting and advance notice of the meeting is provided to the membership. Attendance at a mini meeting fulfills attendance requirements for members. However, the term “meeting” as otherwise used in this document is not intended to be confused with a mini meeting.
A quorum shall consist of thirty (30) active members, or thirty (30) percent of the current, active membership, whichever is less.
This logo is the property of The Association and may be used for any appropriate reason by members of The Association. Any questions concerning use of the logo should be referred to the President or Executive Board for determination. Inappropriate or unauthorized use of the logo is considered serious misconduct as well as illegal infringement of the copyright.
Note: Mr. Mike Lewis, a former Association member, designed the logo currently being used by The Association in 1983. Mr. Lewis officially donated this logo to The Association in 1991, upon The Association’s formation, for use of The Association, in perpetuity.
The Free Play Rule was enacted to insure and foster fair, equitable competition among members of this Association, at their insistence. This “rule” requires members to always charge a reasonable fee when playing beach or shag music in a commercial or social shag club setting, notwithstanding the actual location of the event or function. In the case of charitable activities, not associated with this organization itself, members may elect to donate their services or time back to that charitable activity.
Only Members and Corporate members may purchase and/or display Association banners.
Whenever any notice (as a legal action under the North Carolina Non-Profit Corporation Act, or any like legislation from another state or government entity) is required to be given to any member of The Association, or similar action is required under the charter or bylaws of this Association, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person or persons entitled to such notice, whether before or after the time stated therein shall be equivalent, for these purposes only to the actual giving of such notice.
The Association shall maintain a Policies and Procedures document which further details operating practices, lists decisions made by the President or Executive Board or general membership, and denotes other information that may be helpful or important to The Association.
Article 12 - Bylaws
These Bylaws may be revised or replaced at any time by a majority of the members present at a general membership meeting where a quorum exists using the following procedure.
Proposed revisions must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board. They will discuss the proposed revision(s) in a duly constituted Executive Board Meeting and determine if the current bylaws need to be changed for consideration by the membership.
The proposal must be announced to the membership in The Association’s newsletter or by E-mail communication. The proposal, along with the Executive Board’s recommendation will then be presented at the next general membership meeting.
Approval of bylaw changes or replacements must be made by majority vote of active members present at a general membership meeting where a quorum exists.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern The Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, or any special rules of order the Executive Board may adopt.
***********************************END BYLAWS*********************************
Click to Open PDF of BYLAWS
Click to Open PDF of Policies and Procedures
The Association Of Beach And Shag Club D.J.’s
Policies And Procedures
Revised 03/03/2023
This document exists to elaborate on the operation of The Association of Beach and Shag Club
Deejays. These items represent policies or procedures as well as decisions of the President,
Executive Board, or general membership. It also contains such items as further explanation and
details of various activities. Other information of interest may also be included.
This document is not intended to take the place of, or allow, any violation of the Bylaws.
This document exists to help record items and serve as a reference, however it may not be all-
inclusive or contain the most up-to-date decisions or information at all times.
General Information
• The current address of The Association is P.O. Box 58033, Fayetteville, NC 28305.
• Articles of Incorporation for The Association were filed by:
• Mr. Steve Baker; (919) 847-5283/ (919) 676-2159
• Mr. Butch Metcalf; (336) 883-9873
• Annual dues are currently set at $25.00 per year for Regular Members.
• The one-time fee to become a Lifetime Member is currently $500.00.
• An additional late fee of $35.00 to re-establish membership.
Ethics Committee Information
While it is not the aim or within the purview of the Association to regulate such “commerce”
between members, membership responsibility and general “good citizenship” includes “paying
your bills” to other members (including corporate members). To do otherwise reflects poorly, in
some cases, on all members and, as such, could prove detrimental to The Association. All
members are encouraged to carry on open, honest dialogues with other members in this
respect, and to make ongoing payment arrangements if immediate payment is not possible.
Ethics Committee or membership vote activity is possible where these guidelines are not
Failure to pay other monies owed to the Association or its members on a timely basis. Includes
monies owed for banners, apparel, or other items, as well as debts to Association members
related to the “D.J.” profession. While it is not the aim or within the purview of the Association to
regulate such “commerce” between members, membership responsibility and general “good
citizenship” includes “paying your bills” to other members, including corporate members. To do
otherwise reflects poorly, in some cases, on all members and, as such, could prove detrimental
to The Association. All members are encouraged to carry on open, honest dialogues with other
members in this respect, and to make ongoing payment arrangements if immediate payment is
not possible. Ethics Committee or membership vote activity is possible where these guidelines
are not followed.
All Association members, in any category, are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at
all “beach,” “shag,” and other related events, activities, meetings, charitable functions, and the
like. Although every member is encouraged to fully participate in such festivities while
performing or simply attending, our public, easily identifiable image must be upheld by
reasonable decorum. This section is left widely defined.
The Richard Nixon Memorial Service Award
This award for Association members was established by vote of the members present at a
regular meeting. This award is presented annually to the D.J. or D.J.’s who have performed
outstanding service other than D.J. service for any one or all of the following entities: The
Association of Beach and Shag Club Deejays, the shag dance community at large or the shag
and beach music community at large.
The criteria for nomination and selection of winners shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Following is the proposed criteria for nomination and selection which is presented to the
membership for information purposes only:
1. Only current Regular or Lifetime Members are eligible.
2. The nominees must have conducted all their affairs in accordance with The
Association’s Bylaws.
3. Nomination will be by the regular members with a paragraph (or more) in writing
describing the nominee’s activities. The nominations will be presented to the President
no later than October 15th of each year. The President will send out copies of the
nominations to each Board member by November 30th and a vote will be held by the
Board at the Mid-Winter meeting to select the winner or winners.
4. One or two D.J.’s may win the award each year.
5. An appropriate presentation memento (plaque, etc.) will be selected by the President.
The award will be presented to the winner(s) on Saturday night at the annual
Throwdown party. A plaque listing all past award winners will be maintained at a lounge
in North Myrtle Beach, SC.
The Free Play Rule
The Free Play Rule was enacted to insure and foster fair, equitable competition among
members of this Association, at their insistence. This “rule” requires members to always charge
a reasonable fee when playing beach/shag music in a commercial or social shag club setting,
notwithstanding the actual location of the event or function. In the case of charitable activities,
not associated with this organization itself, members may elect to donate their services or time
back to that charitable activity.
In the case of Association sponsored or approved events, members may be asked to voluntarily
perform their professional D.J. activities, to the greater good of The Association and its deep
commitment to community, regional and national wellbeing. Any such action on the member’s
© 2023 by The Association of Beach & Shag Club D.J.'s.
part is voluntary. It is absolutely forbidden that any member be directed by any officer, Board of
Director’s member, or any other members at large to perform professional D.J. services without
recompense. Such action is considered serious misconduct and grounds for dismissal.
All participation by members in Association activities, such as THROWDOWN events, is strictly
by that member’s personal choice. A member’s election to not participate in such voluntary,
unpaid events has no bearing whatsoever on the status of that member in this Association.
While participation is certainly encouraged, and may at times, be solicited by the President,
Executive Board or Event Chairs, it remains the sole purview of the member as to whether or
not he or she elects to take part. Previous commitments, time, distance, financial, and other
considerations all play a part in such decisions, and, as such, any final determination must
remain the province of the individual member.
An annual weekend event/party sponsored by The Association was established by vote of the
members present at a regular meeting. The event is named D.J. THROWDOWN and is held the
first full weekend in March with this being defined as the first weekend with a Friday March date.
D.J. THROWDOWN is held every year in North Myrtle Beach, S.C. at a location determined by
the Executive Board. All D.J. THROWDOWN event planning and supervision is conducted by
the Throwdown Chairman with assistance from the Executive Board. Any change in date or
venue location for D.J. THROWDOWN must be proposed and approved by the Executive
Membership Data
Where possible, a list of Association Members and their contact information may be provided to
any industry providers of products or services (record companies, recording artists, equipment
manufacturers or distributors, etc.) so that product samples or merchandise discounts or
giveaways may accrue to Association members. Executive Board members will seek out such
sources and attempt to secure meaningful discounts or other considerations for Association
members, totaling at least 10%, as a target reference.
Members have the option of requesting not to be included in any sharing of personal, contact
information by written notification to the Membership Chairman.
Code of Conduct
Generally, as representatives of this Association, Regular and Lifetime members are expected
to conduct themselves reasonably at all times when attending any event, function, charitable
undertaking, or the like related to the music/dance that is the central focus of this Association.
This includes time at such as a D.J., participant, or spectator, whether as a paying or invited
participant or guest. The professional image of this Association must be maintained or
enhanced by its members whenever a member is in “the public eye.”
Since members, by their status and stature in the beach/shag community, are oftentimes most
recognizable, whether working or not, this maintenance of appropriate decorum is critical. This
is not intended in any way to discourage members from full enjoyment of the good times that
accrue from active participation in any such event. Rather, members should, and are
encouraged to, lead such celebrations, spreading their personal and professional cheer, charm,
and good will wherever they go.
© 2023 by The Association of Beach & Shag Club D.J.'s.
The Executive Board may authorize purchase and maintenance of liability insurance for the
protection of those conducting official business of this Association. This includes members of
the Executive Board, employees, and other officials, agents, or representatives duly authorized
by The Association to carry out its business, both past and present.
This insurance may cover any liability arising out of the legitimate conduct of such business,
including that done by any agent or employee of another corporation, partnership, joint venture,
trust, or other enterprise, even if this Association would not otherwise have the power to
indemnify him or her against that liability.
Emeritus Status
The intention of Emeritus status is to recognize DJ's who served many active years and who
have officially retired from, or are no longer interested in DJ’ing, but wish to remain on The
Association roster for the purpose of historical records and for receiving communications.
Members with Emeritus status have no voting rights, no meeting attendance requirements, may
not fly a banner, and do not pay annual dues.
Members may request to convert to an Emeritus status by contacting the current Secretary of
The Association. The President may also elect to move members to Emeritus status due to
health issues or other serious issues that prevent the member from maintaining active status.
Members moving to this status whether by request or by the President’s recommendation will be
reviewed at the first board meeting immediately following the request.
Members with Emeritus Status may only return back to active membership status once in their
life. Doing so requires paying current dues (plus a late fee) along with meeting the membership
meeting requirement followed by approval of majority of The Executive Board.
Officers/Board Member Assistance/Sub Committee
The President, with the approval of the Executive Board may appoint a Member, in good
standing, to assist any Officer or Board Member with their duties and/or task as outlined in our
By-Laws. The appointee will report directly to the Officer or Board Member on the activities and
to the Executive Board as needed.
​© 2024 by The Association of Beach & Shag Club D.J.'s.