The Association of Beach and Shag Club D.J.'s
Proposed ByLaw Changes
Discussion and Vote September 25th, 2021
Please note the substantive changes listed below:
Changes are highlighted in yellow
To make the governing documents whole and to prevent continual bylaw changes (e.g., dues increases), the Bylaw Committee is recommending incorporation of Policies & Procedures to support the Association Bylaws.
For continuity during the review and editing process, the last set of approved Bylaws was merged with the draft Policies and Procedures (that were not officially approved by the Association) into one document. If/when approved, this document would be separated into Bylaws and Policies & Procedures.
Updated Lifetime Member language (page 1)
Further clarification of the application process (page 2)
Reinstated that applicant and sponsor (not application) must be present at general meeting for consideration (page 3)
Tightened deadlines for dues to better match fiscal/club year, and reduce unnecessary work associated with habitual late payment (page 3)
Add Section 2 and process to appoint board members (page 5)
Added Robert's Rule as official governing procedure (page 9)
The newly incorporated Policies & Procedures start on page 10, and include General Information, Dues, Ethics Committee Information, Conduct Guidance, Code of Conduct, Richard Nixon Memorial Services Award, Free Play Rule, DJ Throwdown, Membership Data, Insurance, Mini Meeting and related forms.
Added late fee to re-establish membership at $35 (page 10)
The Bylaw Committee approved the DJ Throwdown language last spring (page 12) however additional language allowing some flexibility may be needed. Currently there is no official document governing DJ Throwdown so flexibility exists until the new Bylaws, Policies & Procedures are approved.